Become a Member
Ballincollig Credit Union brings people in the local community together to save and borrow at more favourable rates. It is operated on a not-for-profit basis, with surpluses being returned to members.
∗Terms & Conditions Apply. All figures given on this website are for your general information only, and give a rough guide to loan repayments. Any statements on this website do not purport to be authorative or legally binding. You are advised to check with our offices for up-to-date rates and offers.
Loan Enquiry
Your loan details have been captured and will be submitted with your enquiry.
You'll need to provide:
latest news

IT MAINTENANCE Please note our online services and the Ballincollig Credit Union app will experience downtime on Saturday 1st Feb at 2pm until Sunday 2nd Feb at 5pm for IT Upgrades/Maintenance. We....
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